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Calories: 85kcal
Prep Time: 3 minutes
Total Time: 3 minutes
The Traffic Light Shot is a fun and vibrant party drink that will brighten up any gathering. This colorful layered shot combines the sweet and tangy flavors of grenadine, herbal liqueur, and melon liqueur, creating a visually appealing and delicious treat.



Layer the Grenadine:

  • Begin by pouring 1/3 oz grenadine syrup into a shot glass.

Add Herbal Liqueur:

  • Slowly layer 1/3 oz herbal liqueur over the back of a spoon to sit on top of the grenadine.

Top with Melon Liqueur:

  • Carefully layer 1/3 oz melon liqueur over the herbal liqueur to complete the traffic light effect.


To achieve the perfect layers in the Traffic Light Shot, pour each ingredient slowly over the back of a spoon. This technique ensures that the liquids remain separate, creating distinct and vibrant layers. This shot is not only visually stunning but also offers a delightful combination of flavors, making it a hit at any party.
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Estimated Nutrition:

Calories: 85kcal (4%)Carbohydrates: 13g (4%)Protein: 0.2gSodium: 3mgPotassium: 3mgSugar: 11g (12%)Calcium: 1mg
CourseBeverage, Drinks, Shot
CuisineBeverage, Cocktail, Drinks
KeywordBeverage Recipe, Cocktail Recipe, Drink Recipe