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Calories: 73kcal
Prep Time: 3 minutes
Total Time: 3 minutes
The Black Silk Panties shot is a smooth and luxurious blend of Scotch whiskey and black sambuca. This sophisticated shot offers a unique flavor combination that’s perfect for those who enjoy a refined drinking experience.



Pour the Scotch Whiskey:

  • Pour 3/4 oz of Scotch whiskey into a shot glass.

Add the Black Sambuca:

  • Drizzle 1/4 oz of black sambuca on top of the Scotch whiskey.

Allow to Mix:

  • Let the two spirits mix naturally in the glass.


  • Serve immediately and enjoy the smooth, luxurious taste.


The Black Silk Panties shot is a perfect blend for those who appreciate the depth and complexity of Scotch whiskey combined with the bold, anise-flavored black sambuca. This shot is ideal for sophisticated gatherings or as a unique nightcap.
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Estimated Nutrition:

Calories: 73kcal (4%)Carbohydrates: 3g (1%)Potassium: 0.2mgSugar: 0.02g
CourseBeverage, Drinks, Shot
CuisineBeverage, Drinks, Shot
KeywordBeverage Recipe, Drink Recipe, Shot Recipe