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Calories: 131kcal
Prep Time: 3 minutes
Total Time: 3 minutes
Angel Face is a sophisticated and flavorful cocktail that combines the sweet notes of apricot and apple brandy with the smooth, botanical essence of gin. This elegant drink is perfect for any occasion where you want to enjoy a well-balanced and refined beverage.


  • .5 oz Apricot Brandy
  • .5 oz Apple Brandy
  • 1 oz Gin


Combine Ingredients:

  • In a mixing glass filled with cracked ice, pour .5 oz apricot brandy, .5 oz apple brandy, and 1 oz gin.

Stir Well:

  • Stir the ingredients thoroughly until well chilled.

Strain and Serve:

  • Strain the mixture into a cocktail glass.


  • Serve immediately and enjoy.


Angel Face is a cocktail that offers a perfect blend of sweet, fruity, and botanical flavors. The apricot and apple brandies provide a sweet and fruity base, while the gin adds a smooth and botanical touch. Stirring the ingredients with cracked ice ensures a well-chilled and balanced drink.
Ideal for evening gatherings, special occasions, or a sophisticated night in, Angel Face is easy to make and sure to impress. Its elegant and refined profile makes it a standout choice for any event.
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Estimated Nutrition:

Calories: 131kcal (7%)Sodium: 1mgPotassium: 1mgIron: 0.03mg
CourseBeverage, Cocktail, Drinks
CuisineBeverage, Cocktail, Drinks
KeywordBeverage Recipe, Cocktail Recipe, Drink Recipe