pink pussy shot
Calories: 70kcal
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Total Time: 2 minutes
The Pink Pussy Shot is a flirty blend of sweet and floral notes, perfect for adding a touch of fun to any gathering. With just two ingredients, this shot is simple to make yet tantalizingly delicious. The combination of butterscotch schnapps and rose tequila creates a unique flavor profile that will leave your taste buds delighted.



  • Pour .75 oz of butterscotch schnapps into your shot glass.
  • Carefully layer .25 oz of rose tequila on top by slowly pouring it over the back of a spoon.
  • Serve immediately and enjoy the sweet, floral flavors.


The Pink Pussy Shot is a fantastic choice for parties and casual get-togethers. Its easy preparation and delightful taste make it a crowd-pleaser, ensuring that your guests will be coming back for more. Whether you’re toasting to a special occasion or just looking to mix up something fun, this shot is sure to impress.
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Estimated Nutrition:

Calories: 70kcal (4%)Carbohydrates: 8g (3%)Potassium: 0.2mgSugar: 8g (9%)
CourseBeverage, Drinks, Shot
CuisineBeverage, Drinks, Shot
KeywordBeverage Recipe, Drink Recipe, Shot Recipe

Pink Pussy Shot – A Flirty Blend of Sweet and Floral

When it comes to cocktails, sometimes less is more. The Pink Pussy Shot is a prime example of this, offering a simple yet tantalizing mix of flavors that’s sure to delight your taste buds. This shot is perfect for those moments when you’re looking for something that’s easy to make but doesn’t skimp on taste. It combines the creamy sweetness of butterscotch schnapps with the floral hints of rose tequila, creating a complex flavor profile that’s surprisingly sophisticated for such a straightforward concoction.

The butterscotch schnapps provides a rich, caramel-like sweetness that’s perfectly counterbalanced by the floral notes of the rose tequila. The layering of the two spirits not only offers a beautiful visual appeal but also ensures that each sip is a unique blend of these two contrasting flavors.

This shot is ideal for celebrations, romantic evenings, or any time you want to offer a memorable drink that’s as delightful to look at as it is to sip. Its simplicity makes it easy to prepare in larger quantities, so it’s a great option for parties or get-togethers. Plus, its stunning pink hue makes it a visually appealing choice for themed events or special occasions.

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