Category Archives: Root Beer

Category: Root Beer

DigRat Pokemon Cocktail Recipe - Earthy and Unique Blend

DigRat Pokemon Cocktail

Try the unique DigRat Pokemon Cocktail. This earthy blend of bourbon, crème de cacao, and root beer is perfect for any Pokemon fan! ...
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Amber`s Revenge

Experience Amber's Revenge, a bold blend of scotch whiskey, rum, tequila, and root beer. Perfect for a strong and unique drink! ...
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Deer Hunter

Discover the Deer Hunter Cocktail, a bold mix of herbal liqueur, vodka, root beer, and a squeeze of lemon. Perfect for a refreshing and unique drink experience ...
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Afghanistany Whore

Try the Afghanistany Whore Cocktail, a bold mix of rum, vodka, and root beer. Perfect for a unique and invigorating treat! ...
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Butterbeer 2

Savor the magic of Butterbeer 2, a delightful blend of sour apple schnapps and root beer. Perfect for any Harry Potter-themed gathering! ...
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Enjoy the creamy goodness of the Corbob Cocktail, a delightful mix of Irish cream and root beer. Perfect for a sweet and easy-to-make treat! ...
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